Welcome to the Baby Listen blog – insights and inspiration to help ignite the spark of Spanish in your young family.

Songs we love: Hickory Dickory Dock – in Spanish

Songs we love: Hickory Dickory Dock – in Spanish

What is Hickory Dickory Dock in Spanish? That’s a tough question! Maybe it’s best first to ask what it means... So... what does Hickory Dickory Dock mean? Well, the phrase might have its origins in the words Hevera, Devera, Dick - which were used by shepherds in the...

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Map out a future with other languages

Map out a future with other languages

In the early weeks and months of your baby’s life, even though they may not produce anything that’s recogniseable as speech, they are listening carefully to the sounds other people make, analysing them and putting them into categories on a developing mental sound map.

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When do babies start listening to language?

When do babies start listening to language?

When do babies first tune in the sounds of speech? A few years ago, many people would have answered that it was at birth – or even when they began to say their first words.
Over recent decades, however, there’s been a lot of interest and research into the way babies develop language, so we now know much better.

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The sounds of Spanish

The sounds of Spanish

Did you know that Spanish has only 5 vowel sounds? Compare that with the 12 in English (think cat, heart, head, heard, heat, hit, book, two, bought etc.) and you realise that for those picking up the language, having just 5 is a bonus!

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