More strings on a guitar than vowel sounds in Spanish.

What is so helpful about Spanish vowel sounds?

Did you know that Spanish has only 5 of them?

Compare that with the 12 vowel sounds in English (think of the short and long vowel sounds in these words: hat, heart, head, heard, heat, hit, hook, who, hall etc.).

So there are many fewer vowels in Spanish to learn how to pronounce. You realise that having just 5 is incredibly helpful if you’re learning the language – a real bonus!

What are the Spanish vowel sounds? 

Here they are, each with an English word that has an approximate sound: 

a – cat

e – head 

i – cheese

o – hot 

u – rule

What differences are there between Spanish and English vowel sounds?

In normal speaking, Spanish vowel sounds are generally more compact – taking less time to say than English ones, which tend to be stretched out a bit more. 

Where can I hear some?

Have a listen to some sample spoken tracks – in the grey section part way down the page – and you’ll get the idea of vowels in Spanish generally being shorter. (In songs, sounds get stretched to match the music, just as in English.)

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Map out a future with other languages

In the early weeks and months of your baby’s life, even though they may not produce anything that’s recogniseable as speech, they are listening carefully to the sounds other people make, analysing them and putting them into categories on a developing mental sound map.

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